Official website to one of today's great musicians, poets and creative minds
Official website to one of today's great musicians, poets and creative minds

Much have I learned
from one wiser than me,
a powerful man
who has the respect
of all who know him
because his motto has
always been integrity.
He has succeeded
when others have failed,
and he has accomplished more
than the average man —
ideas and innovations
are his second nature;
perhaps it’s his faith
or maybe his belief
in a divine plan.
Rough and tough
he might
have you believe,
but finding a kinder,
more generous man
may be an impossible task
to achieve.
We have not always
seen eye to eye
and I doubt
if we ever will,
but when times get tough
he’s a friend
offering encouragement,
telling me he knows
just how I feel.
He represents strength,
and all I would hope to be —
how lucky I feel
to have a friend
who is willing to share
his wisdom
and his identity.