Official website to one of today's great musicians, poets and creative minds
Official website to one of today's great musicians, poets and creative minds

A train without a track
is in motion,
but non-moving and still,
a plan without direction
has no execution
when the planner has lost
his will.
A ship without a sail
is afloat
but with no course,
a man without conviction
is alive
but only by natural force.
The spirit must at times
take leave of the body
and rest,
but mortal man with mortal minds
views such an escape as failure
unable to meet the test.
For one brief moment
all things revolving in unison
suspend in open air;
the seconds are like hours
with thoughts of lost momentum
and how such idleness
seems so unfair.
As the mind sleeps
suddenly undetected is movement
as the spirit rejoins its master,
the future which seemed bright before
seems brighter now —
how thankful I am for idle moments
which protect against future disaster.